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What Is Timber Cladding, Its Type And Benefits


When you decide to decorate your home, then you see various things. In the market, you come across various options that are best for you. Here, we will shower some light on the timber cladding, its types of some of its benefits. Hence, this makes your decision clear that which thing you must install at your home. So, let us see the overview of the exterior wall cladding.

Exterior wall cladding:

Many people do not know the term exterior wall cladding. So, here, we will give a short overview of this. Exterior cladding refers to the decoration of the walls with the material that can increase the beauty, assure the safety of the walls, and many other reasons.

Different business buildings look stunning because they have the best exterior wall cladding. Hence, people use different materials and timber cladding is one of them. A timber is a kind of wood that gives stunning look to the buildings. In the market, you come across various types of timber sheets that people use at their homes or office buildings.

Benefits of using the timber cladding at home:

Here, we have short-listed some great benefits that why people install the timber weatherboard at their homes.

1: Last for a long time:

Timber is a form of wood. So, the durability is it’s one of the best quality. We can say that using timber cladding benefits you because it can last for a long time. You can spend a good time at your home. Around 50 to 60 years easily. So, this is one of the reasons that why people use the exterior wall cladding at their home.

2: Gives an attractive look:

The next advantage that you can enjoy using the timber cladding is, it gives better look to the home. Hence, this is one of the major benefits because for the homeowner the beauty of the home matters a lot. For this purpose, they select different exterior wall cladding that best suits their home. It can also help to enhance the beauty of the house. So, if you want to increase the beauty of your home, then timber cladding is the best option.

3: It shows the Health benefits:

In different hospitals and health centres, we see that many people use the exterior wall cladding. It is because the wood gives a pleasing effect to the eyes. Moreover, the design and look of the building become stunning and attractive. When a person sees something eye-catching, then it lowers the stress level. So, using timber cladding at homes is one of the best options.

Some best material of timber cladding:

1: Western Red Cedar:

2: Siberian Larch:

3: European Oak:

4: Thermo wood:


It is better to use the timber cladding at home because it gives stunning look to the home. You have seen the benefits. So, for the exterior wall cladding your best selection is timber. What are timber cladding in nz, its type, and its benefits?

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